Friday, August 5, 2011

Vacation Bible School Updates!

Sorry for the late post... things are really "hopping" here at Calvary!!

After Tuesday's Water Day at VBS, one would think that things might wind down a little bit.  But -- NO WAY!  The fun has just begun!  The Lord has watched over us and provided continued good weather for our week of daycamp and the kids continue to learn and sing and pray and run and praise and play and just generally enjoy their time at Vacation Bible School!

Tuesday's theme was Jesus Protects Us!  The bible verses for the day were Mark 4: 35-41.  On this day the campers learned the story of Jesus calming the stormy seas.  "Peace. Be still."  Here are some great questions to ask your camper:
  1. Who did Jesus protect on the boat?
  2. How does Jesus protect us?
  3. Who did Jesus put in our lives to protect us?
  4. What are some of the new songs and games you have learned?

Wednesday's theme was Jesus Speaks to Us!  The Bible verses for the day were Luke 10: 38-42.  On this day the campers learned the story of Jesus' visit to Mary & Martha.  Here are some great questions to ask your camper:
  1. How does Jesus speak to us?
  2. Where can we "hear" Jesus speak to us?
  3. What interferes with our ability to listen to Jesus?
  4. How can we be good listeners to Jesus?
Pictures from Wednesday:

VBS small group
Worship songs

Arts and crafts

Thursday's theme was Jesus Comes to Us!  The Bible verses for the day were Luke 19: 1-10.  On this day the campers learned the story of Zacchaeus in the Sycamore tree.  Here are some great questions to ask your camper:
  1. How does Jesus come to you?
  2. Where do you look for Jesus?
  3. Where have you seen Jesus?
  4. Tell me the story of Zacchaeus in your own words!
Thursday night was our family dinner and program.  The counselors and kids showed the families what they had been doing and learning throughout the week.  Pastor Cathi had visited on Monday and asked the kids to submit names for her new little stuffed lamb that she had received from the staff.  On Thursday night Pastor Cathi held the drawing for the new name.  And the winner is... Mr. Fluffy Pants!

Here are some picture from Thursday:
VBS 2011 Campers & Counselors
Singing songs

Pastor Cathi & Mr. Fluffy Pants!

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