Monday, August 24, 2009

"Here I Stand"...I can do no other!!

We've witnessed the media onslaught of the ELCA's recent vote to allow for individuals in "committed, monogamous, same-sex relationships" to be ordained pastors AND to allow for congregational discretion when choosing to or not to bless same-sex relationships. The attention has brought with it an aura of disdain for me.

I cannot believe that this 'my' church. As a pastor who grew up in the ELCA as a pastor's kid...I feel like I've been orphaned. The church has left me when it left the foundation of my faith...the Holy Scriptures. We are not to be an organization that takes its marching orders from whatever the winds of change are within society. But that is exactly what has happened.

Recently, a supporter of the recommendations to change stated that "we should not move to the slippery slope" when talking about this decision. How can we avoid the slippery slope when the church is attempting to usurp the authority of God's Word (essentially 'unsinning sin'!)?

The ELCA has strayed a long way from its Lutheran heritage and I'm concerned about what the future might have in store for it.

As for me, I will be attending the LutheranCore meeting in Fishers, IN on September 25-26. There will be a large group of Lutheran churches represented and everyone will be discussing what the future course of action will be for those of us who feel 'orphaned'.

God will not be mocked and we must remember that we are creatures of the Word not Creators of the Word.

1 comment:

  1. Phil-

    It is very saddening to read about how much my old church has changed. After watching the attention that the amendment received, and then Calvary's reaction to it, I have become rather upset at was has occured.

    You claim that being homosexual is against the Bible. It is a huge "sin" and that all homosexual people will therefore be subject to God's wrath. This just simply perplexes me.

    Let me note some other things. Back in the 1700's and 1800's, slavery was abundant throughout the southern part of the U.S. Many Southerners were criticized for this inhumane treatment to black people. How did they defend themselves? They chose to quote the Bible. According to them, the Bible sanctioned and even ENCOURAGED slavery throughout its various books. But in today's day and age, almost everyone rejects the idea of slavery. So, once again, the Bible is being used in the wrong way to persecute against a section of our population that does not deserve the treatment that it is getting.

    Another point of interest- supossedly homosexuality is a "sin." But you know, lying, having idols, and being jealous, etc., are all sins. And they are supposedly even BIGGER sins than being gay, as they are in the 10 Commandments. Yet people lie and get jealous and have idols everyday. Are they condemned? NO! They dont even follow the 10 most basic rules of our religion, yet they think that they can call homosexuality a horrible sin and anyone who is gay is doomed to hell. THEY are themselves committing sins daily. Being a Christian means you follow all Christianic laws- you CANT pick and choose.

    So i leave you with these thoughts on the topic of homosexuality. People don't choose to be gay. It's like saying people choose to be black. They are born with it. Nothing can "convert" them; anyone who claims they can are full of crap. STOP HATING AND LOVE EVERYONE, JUST AS JESUS SAID TO DO!

    -Andy Kristensen-
