Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day of a Lifetime: Galilee

We've reached our Holy destination and have enjoyed our first day in Israel. Wow! We're one day into our trip and I've already shed many tears over this moving and powerful experience of a lifetime. Thank you for allowing me to experience this!

Our trip over the pond was a grand total of over 24 hours...we lost eight hours! As we made our way from the airport to our Hotel in En Gev, our bus lost its what a wild time! Here is a picture of us trying to fix a broken fuse:

After a quick night of sleep, we hit the road after a terrific breakfast. Our hotel is in a Kibbutz on the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee. The picture above shows Meg and I directly outside our room...not too bad! We face the town of Tiberius and the scenery is think that Jesus walked these hills...and these waves!

We ate a great breakfast and then hit the road at 8:30 a.m. Today, we spent the day travelling around the Sea of Gennesaret (also called Galilee or Tiberius). We viewed Chorizin, walked the grounds of the Mount of Beatitudes (picture above with me reading from Matthew's Sermon on the Mount--picture above), toured Capernaum (Jesus' ministry headquarters), boated across the Sea in a wooden boat (had a moving Communion service on the way), ate at the famous St. Peter's Fish Restaurant, and had a Baptismal remembrance service in the River Jordan (picture with Meg above).

One word describes the day...MIRACULOUS!! This is the most moving experience I have ever had and I look forward to sharing it with you throughout my days as your shepherd.

I will continue to blog throughout the week, but for now, SHALOM (I need to get some sleep...tomorrow is another miraculous day...travelling to the Golan Heights and Caesarea Philippi!)

Peace in Christ,
Pastor Phil

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