Monday, February 15, 2010

Exactly one week from today, a group of 29 'pilgrims' will be travelling to the Holy Land and Jordan on a 12-Day pilgrimage. As we anxiously await our departure, I'm asking for your prayers.

On a personal note, Meg and I are asking for specific prayers. We are in the midst of a move from Waukesha to Menomonee Falls! I know, I know, great timing! We need to be out of our house by the 19th and leave for Israel on the 22nd...

More specifically, please pray for us as we are leaving Noah (our two-year old) for the first time-for such a long period of time. I cannot imagine what Martin Luther must have gone through as he left his family for months, even years, at a time to spread the Gospel.

The following is our itinerary. I invite you to join us 'in the Spirit' on this journey of a lifetime.

FEBRUARY 22 – MARCH 5, 2010

DAY 1 / DAY 2 - Depart Chicago on our way to Tel-Aviv. Arrive Ben-Gurion Airport in the late afternoon. Our guide greets us and gives us an overview of our pilgrimage. Proceed to Galilee for our overnight stay on the shores of the Sea of Galilee.

DAY 3 – Today we tour the Sea of Galilee. Visit Capernaum and Simon Peter’s House, the Mount of Beatitudes and Tabgha – the site of the feeding of the multitudes. Take a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee and enjoy a St. Peter’s fish lunch in Tiberias. Walk along the Jordan River, site of Jesus’ baptism. Overnight in Galilee.

DAY 4 – This morning we drive through the village of Cana, site of Jesus’ first miracle and continue to Nazareth – site of the Annunciation and the Virgin Mary’s house. Afternoon visit to the Golan Heights and Caesarea Philippi. Return to Galilee.

DAY 5 – As we head for Jerusalem, we drive to Mt. Carmel and Megiddo. Continue along the coast to Caesarea where Paul was imprisoned and Cornelius was baptized. Visit the Roman ruins: theater, aqueduct and the Crusader ruins and stop in Jaffa on our way to the Holy City – Jerusalem - for our overnight stay.

DAY 6 – Walk into the old city of Jerusalem. Experience the Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Armenian quarters of the old city. See the Temple ruins and the Temple Mount. We follow the Via Dolorosa to the sacred Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Walk through the Western Wall tunnel. Stroll through the many bazaars of the old city. Overnight in Jerusalem.

DAY 7 – We visit the Mount of Olives, the Garden of Gethsemane, Church of All Nations, the Garden Tomb and room of the Last Supper. We go to Bethlehem and visit the ancient Church of the Nativity, Manger Square, Shepherd’s Field and Christmas Lutheran Church.

DAY 8 – Today we drive to Masada, site of the Jewish zealots’ last stand against the Romans. We ride to the top in a cable car. Later drive to Ein Gedi to experience the salty waters of the Dead Sea. Continue our journey to the caves at Qumran where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. Back to Jerusalem for our overnight.

DAY 9 - Our destination is the “New Jerusalem” including the Shrine of the Book where the Dead Sea Scrolls are housed and the Model of Jerusalem during the Second Temple period. This afternoon, we continue our journey to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Overnight
in Amman.

DAY 10 – From Amman we continue south to Mt. Nebo, where Moses viewed the Promised Land. We visit Madaba with its beautiful mosaic featuring Jerusalem as the center of the world. Continue our journey to Petra for our overnight stay.

DAY 11 – Visit the city of Petra. Enter through the narrow canyon passageway and walk through the wonder of the city carved into the mountain. In the afternoon we continue our journey back to Jerusalem for our overnight stay.

DAY 12 – Transfer to the airport for our flight back to the United States.

As we begin this Lenten Journey (starts Wednesday...see you at church!), may we ponder what it means to put Christ first. Rarely are we asked to leave house and home for Jesus (like Luther)...but the question remains, would we be willing to leave house and home for our Lord?

Take time to thank God for the many examples, like Luther, who put Jesus first so that we might believe!

Pastor Phil

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