Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Happy New Year Calvary!

Hi Calvary!
Happy new year from the Korb family!

I'd like to introduce you to my Minnesotan family! As you read, you'll see that recently, the kids have spread out from Minnesota across the Midwest.

Starting on the left is my brother Caleb, he's the youngest of the four Korb kids. Caleb is in his first year at Alexandria Tech, studying law enforcement. He definitely has the hunting & fishing addiction, he enjoys sports - particularly wrestling, and plays piano, guitar and saxophone. Caleb also sings in our church choir at home.

Next is Jared, who also studied law enforcement for his undergraduate degree, along with an ethics minor. Jared is currently in his first year of studies at Fort Wayne Seminary. Jared's a trombonist in the chapel brass ensemble at Fort Wayne, he plays piano, and he also sings in the choir at the church he is attending. Jared is the second oldest Korb kid, and you may remember him from last year at Pentecost, when Jared and Micah played their instruments for worship at Calvary. Jared, like all of my brothers, enjoys fishing and video games. It's a sight to see the four of us battling it out in an intense game of Super Smash Bros. - although, it's usually the sister that gets smashed.

My dad Glenn, and my mom Linda are in the center of the photo. My dad is originally from Pennsylvania, and my mom is from Wausau, Wisconsin, making Wisconsin a familiar state to us kids growing up. Perhaps that's why we're all Packer fans! My parents live in Waseca, MN, and we get to visit our Grandma often, as she recently moved from Wausau, WI, to Rochester, MN, which is about an hour and a half from Waseca.

Next in the photo are Micah and Stephanie, who were just engaged before Thanksgiving!!! I am ecstatic, as now I finally have a sister! They are both seniors and music majors at Concordia in Seward, Nebraska. Micah plays trumpet, piano, and organ, as well as sings in a choir at Seward. Stephanie is a vocal music major and sings in the choir. They both play in a praise band, Stephanie sings, and Micah plays bass guitar. Over the summer months, Stephanie has worked at Camp Omega, a Lutheran summer camp near Waseca. She is from Nebraska, and at the moment, Micah and Stephanie are busy planning their wedding for summer 2011, after they have both completed their student teaching. Micah is the second youngest of us kids, as well as the tallest. It's always a fun day when you start looking up to your younger brothers!

Finally, on the end, you may have noticed a familiar face. I am the oldest of the four kids, and I too enjoy fishing, sports, and Nintendo games, and you may have noticed, I play the organ. Some tidbits you may also know is that I have a handsome cat from Italy named Beaver and a box turtle named Taco. (He has a hard shell - haha.) Below are the 2009 Beaver and Taco Christmas photos, complete with a bow.

I hope you've enjoyed the Korb Family background. Happy New Year and see you in worship! - Sarah

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