Monday, March 8, 2010

How to Get Involved in 2010

In 2010, we’re looking to get some more of our members excited about altar guild! What a wonderful way to serve God by helping to prepare the sacrament! Many people who have served on altar guilds share of the joy they receive in being a part of preparing the body and blood of Christ!

This ministry, while also serving worship, allows for a time of reflection and devotion in the preparation of the wine and also in the cleaning of the cups afterwards. There is much symbolism in the rites of the church when we consider the preparation of the Lamb of God, and then how that sacrifice washes away our sins. If you're interested, please contact Sarah or Elaine Shaw.

Outdoor worship needs you! We're looking for families and groups of friends to sign up for our outdoor worship set up and tear down this summer. Please contact Sarah if you can help. Even if it's just one weekend this summer, we'll be overjoyed to have you!

Are you excited about worship? Our worship & music team is looking for some new members to join our conversations on new ideas for worship, music, ensembles, concerts, and any other topic that might pop up relating to worship & music ministry. We need a diverse background of members in this group, and if you're not musical, that fine too! You paticipate in worship every Sunday and you've likely gone to many services at other churches throughout your life. We want your contribution to this group!

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