Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Take me out to the ballgame - Part Two!

Like I said in my last blog ... I LOVE baseball.

Check out that picture! Yes, that is the staff of Calvary standing in the Milwaukee Brewer’s dugout at Miller Park!!! We had a GREAT day yesterday, as the church staff had our annual day of renewal and meetings, and it was held at Miller Park. (A special thanks/shout-out to Mike Duckett for making our day possible.)

The stadium was absolutely incredible! From the technology of the roof, to the meticulously maintained grounds ... it is an amazing place.

One of the things I found interesting was up in the press box. Above home plate (and beyond any protective netting) is the press box where, as you can imagine, an occasional foul ball will make it’s way in. And when they come, they come in fast - often causing damage to the walls. I’m pictured here, next to a hole in the drywall where J.J. Hardy had fouled a ball about a year ago. (And yes, I was interested in this one since he is now a Minnesota Twin. :)

Anyway ... There they were ... hole after hole, mark after mark in the wall ... each identified with who did the damage and the date it occurred. J.J. Hardy made that hole on April 11, 2009, when Carlos Zambrano was pitching.

It got me thinking about the text we read last Sunday. Remember how Christ showed Thomas the nail holes in his hands, and his pierced side? It was as if he showed Thomas the marks and said, “this one here has your name on it”. Like J.J. Hardy’s damage to the press box, we see our sins visibly in Christ’s body.

The good news is, that Jesus took on our sin and death in his body and lived! How awesome!

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Mark

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