Thursday, June 10, 2010

It. Is. On.

Today is the day that we’ve all been waiting for!!!!

Yes, today marks the beginning of the FIFA 2010 World Cup – South Africa!!!

What, you’re not excited???? Well, I guess I can understand that. For most Americans, the World Cup comes and goes without much fanfare.

But for most of the world, it is the biggest stage possible. Every four years, the world’s best are gathered together for a month-long sports spectacle that rivals (even surpasses) the Olympics.

As for me and my family, we typically catch World Cup fever. In fact, we were at the first U.S. qualifying match for this World Cup against Barbados in Los Angeles. (See the picture ... If memory serves, Sam’s Army won that match 8-Nil.)

Anyway, we had a blast. And we’re not alone ... for most of the world, this is a HUGE deal.

But for most Americans, it comes and goes without much thought. World Cup, Smurld-Cup - How are the Packers looking for next year?

All this got me to thinking ... The Christian Church is a lot like the World Cup. For those of us who get into it, it’s a big deal. It means the world. We are consumed with excitement for it. But for a lot of Americans, it goes on without much fanfare. They don’t pay much attention to it. They couldn’t care less.

And so, I encourage you to pick up your vuvuzela, and give it a loud honk. Go ahead and trumpet what the Lord Jesus has done for you! Honk away! Make a big noise. Feel free to be consumed with energy and passion.

Go, and proclaim Christ boldly.

It. Is. On.

Yours in Him,

Pastor Mark

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