Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Your love is my drug.

There is a song that has been getting a lot of air time lately, and it’s been stuck in my head now for a couple weeks. Granted, I downloaded it from iTunes and listen to it often, but it’s got this infectious sound and beat. I simply can’t get it out of my head!!!

At the risk of divulging the kinds of things I populate my iPod with, the song is Ke$ha’s “Your Love is My Drug”. For those of you who know the song, am I right? Isn’t it infectious????

Anyway, it’s a song about this woman’s obsession with her boyfriend, and she talks about the high she gets when she’s with him, and how she crashes when he’s away.

(Me singing now, imitating Ke$ha, singing in Falsetto): “Because your love, your love, your love, is my drug. Your love your love your love … “

While this song has been rattling around my brain for the past couple of weeks, I got to thinking. I got to thinking about replacing the earthly boy toy, with Jesus Christ.

Suddenly, another song came to mind …. Steven Curtis Chapman’s, Magnificent Obsession. It goes like this, “This is everything I want, This is everything I need, I want this to be my one consuming passion, Everything my heart desires
Lord, I want it all to be for You, Jesus … Be my magnificent obsession.”

Same sentiment, just with the proper fixation.

And the cool part … we can still end the way Ke$ha’s song ends!

“I like your beard.” :)

Yours in Him,

Pastor Mark

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