Monday, August 1, 2011

Welcome Pastor Cathi!

This morning we celebrate the arrival of Calvary's new interim pastor, Pastor Cathi Braasch. The Calvary staff is excited to welcome Pastor Cathi and look forward her time here as we patiently and prayerfully await the next calling of a senior pastor. We ask for everyone's prayers for Pastor Cathi and for Calvary.

Please join us next Sunday, at 9:30 am worship for the installation service of Pastor Cathi. There will be a celebration BBQ following the service in Calvary's "backyard" and everyone is invited. Please RSVP to the church office so that we may have enough grilling meats and beverages. ( In the tradition of the church potluck, each family is also asked to bring a dish to pass!

Come celebrate and give thanks with us!

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