Friday, October 19, 2012

From the Pastor's Study . . . (November 2012)

Dear Friends,

In order to share other important information with you; I am interrupting the series on worship that I began in my column for September.

Pastoral Care
Please know that it is my desire to be at your service in terms of pastoral care.  Many of our members have indicated to me their reluctance to call upon me, because of the many things that occupy a pastor’s time.  While I have many things which I need to be doing, I am not “busy” in a real sense of the word.  Caring for the souls of our members is my primary function here, and so I do not want my occupation with secondary things to supplant my primary work of teaching God’s Word and providing pastoral care to our members.  I encourage you to call upon me day or night, when you have need of my services.  It is likely that I will go to my grave with items still remaining on my task list, and so I can assure you that the hour or two that I am pleased to direct your way will not be a determining factor in whether or not I complete my other work.  I am indeed your servant in Jesus Christ.  Additionally, if you are going to be having surgery or become hospitalized, I would love it if you could give us a call or drop me an email.  Due to the laws regarding medical privacy, hospitals are not permitted to inform the church when our members are hospitalized.  However, we believe in the power of God wrought through prayer and the gifts of medical vocation – and so it is always my desire to visit our members in the hospital for prayer and the anointing of oil in the name of Christ Jesus, the great physician.

Snow (doesn’t it make your heart leap for joy to see this word in print?)
Snowy days and other inclement weather can present motorists with risks that should be avoided whenever possible.  To that end, we urge our members to exercise caution when choosing to attend worship and other parish activities during such conditions.  Since we have no way of alerting everyone, who may be intending to come to worship, of cancellations, I do not cancel worship services.  Of course, exceptions to this policy will be made when there is a safety concern in the building, itself.  However, I do not want worshipers and worship leaders to “gamble” with their safety, and perhaps their lives, in order to attend worship when roadway conditions advise against it.  This is to say, regardless of the weather, I will always be present to offer worshipers God’s Word through Scripture reading and preaching, and the Lord’s Supper.  This does not mean that anyone else is expected to be present when weather conditions present serious challenges to your safe arrival.  In terms of other activities, we will make every possible effort to inform members of cancellations.  Additionally, on days when the Brookfield school district has cancelled school, there will be no fellowship and Christian education programs for children and youth.

Communion Cards
While I recognize that filling out these blue cards before worship does not exactly “set the world on fire,” it is really the only way that we have for tracking the worship attendance of our members.  Monitoring the worship attendance of our members helps the pastor and deacons to be alerted to possible pastoral care needs that have arisen in people’s lives.  Failure of churches to respond in times of need in members’ lives is one of the primary reasons that people give when asked about membership inactivity.  With the number of people who regularly go “up North,” and those who frequent Florida and Arizona, it is difficult for me to interpret fluctuations in our members’ worship attendance.  Even if you only complete the date and your name, I implore you to complete a communion card each week.  Certainly, I make every effort to pay attention to who is in worship, but when someone is absent this week, I am frequently unable to remember if they attended last week. Thank you for your help in this.

In Christ Jesus,

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