Thursday, March 11, 2010

Anyone else old enough to remember when NBC started pushing it’s Thursday night line-up with the catch-phrase, “Must watch t.v.”???? Well, ever since, Thursday’s have been my night devoted to t.v.! Over the years, I’ve spent countless Thursday evening hours watching Cheers and Seinfeld ... and now The Office and 30 Rock have stepped in, and, I’m happy to report, CBS now makes it’s way into my usual Thursday evening viewing, as I’m also a Survivor junkie. (“Villians vs. Heros” – I’m thinking there’s got to be a sermon on that!!!!)

Anyway, my blog today is to merely plug two “must see t.v.” events tonight!

First- Unlike the Badgers who are sloughing-off today with a first round bye, the Gophers take on Penn State in the Big Ten Basketball Tournament – tip-off is at 6:30! :)

Okay, I might be the only one in the MKE viewing area with that game on, but ... I’d also like to point out one other interesting thing on cable this evening.

Remember in my blogs last month, when I mentioned the time I spent in inner-city L.A.? Well, most of my time there was in South-Central L.A., but we did spend some time over in East L.A. as well. On tonight’s CNN show “AC360”, Anderson Cooper will be interviewing Father Gregory Boyle from East L.A.. I’m not sure what they will be talking about, but, I had the opportunity to meet with Father Boyle when I lived there. I met him one day while visiting his non-profit group “Homeboy Industries”, and it’s a day I’ll never forget. It’s there where I talked with ex-con gang members who were trying to get a new start on life, and I got to hear first hand what gang life and prison was like. Was a really powerful experience in my life!!!

Anyway ... I don’t know what the conversation will be about (I only saw the 2 second promo clip on CNN last night) ... but ... I’ll be watching, and, thought you might be interested as well.

Happy Couch-Potato-Night!

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Mark

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