In the book of Exodus, there were 10 plagues that God enacted on the Egyptian people in order to cause Pharaoh to release the Hebrews from enslavement. On the night of the 10th plague - the death of the firstborn - God's people were commanded to sacrifice a lamb and put the blood of the lamb on their doorposts. As the angel of death went through Egypt and 'passed over' the homes that had blood on the doorposts, the Israelites celebrated with the Seder meal. You can read the entire story of Passover here. Jesus celebrated this meal the night of his betrayal, just hours before he was crucified. Now, there are many connections to the story of Passover and Jesus as the sacrificial lamb. To help us better understand this connection, children, youth and adults are invited to a Seder meal this coming Sunday, March 28. Join us during the Christian Education hour (9:30 - 10:30 am) as we remember why the night of Passover was 'unlike any other night' and come to a better understanding of how Jesus became our atoning sacrifice, once for all. Please RSVP to me by phone (262-786-4010) or by e-mail (
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