Monday, October 18, 2010

After a Busy Weekend of Ministry

This past weekend was a HUGE weekend in Youth and Family Ministry. On Sunday, we had over 70 students involved in ministry at Calvary - from Sunday School, to a children's choir leading music in worship, from 13 Middle School students taking part in a fun afternoon at Basse's Farm and Corn Maze, to the Bridge (3rd, 4th and 5th grade students) carving pumpkins, and our 9th graders preparing to affirm their baptism on October 31. LOTS going on! On Saturday evening a group from the congregation went to Westbrook Church to hear Brandon Heath and Jars of Clay perform. Their music was a wonderful way to praise God, and I want to share my favorite Jars song with you: Like a Child. May we each have faith just like a child!

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