Wednesday, November 24, 2010


This is my first blog entry and I've entitled it "Grateful" for a couple of reasons:

  1. Gladys Chmiel, our smiling, boisterous, & huggable church secretary loves the hymn of the same title, and has been talking about it the past couple of days (and now the tune has sorta been stuck in my head).
  2. Sarah, Calvary's Director of Music and blogger extrodinaire, played a version of the song for our staff devotion yesterday (adding to the whole "stuck in my head" thing.)
  3. As I listen to all the negative stories in the media... as I engage with others in complaining about this, that, & the other thing (yes, I'll be one of the first to admit - I'm guilty)... as I hear the heart-wrenching stories about illnesses of friends, family members, and strangers... I have to take a step back and look with awe and wonder at how truly (truly) blessed we are.
Besides the basics - food, water, shelter - the sheer amount of "stuff" we have is amazing. But, that "stuff" is just that...stuff. Like the stuffing that we will partake of on Thanksgiving Day, it's nice. We feel like much of it is necessary. But in the end, it's not the centerpiece - the real "meat" - of the meal. In our lives, the "stuff" may seem like that Thanksgiving stuffing, like we really need it. But the real centerpiece of our lives - that which we really need - is Christ & His grace. And the Savior, coming to earth & dying for me - a poor sinful, complaining nobody - is what I am truly grateful for this Thanksgiving.

There's a song sung by contemporary artist Todd Agnew entitled "I Need No Other". The words of the chorus say "I need no other argument, I need no other plea. It is enough that Jesus died, and that He died for me." (And yes, I'll give credit to my husband for engaging me in this song. Thanks, hon.) My point is, I guess, that this Thanksgiving (and every day) we should be grateful not only that God has blessed us with so much "stuff" to make it through and enjoy this earthly life, but that the Father, in His infinite wisdom, blessed us with what we truly needed: grace through the death & resurrection of His Son, so that we may enjoy eternal life with Him. That, in and of itself, is enough.

I pray that each of you has a very blessed and safe Thanksgiving. I pray that the Holy Spirit has filled your heart so that through faith you receive His grace. And that's enough. And for that, I am truly grateful.

Calvary Office Staff

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