Thursday, April 21, 2011

Last night Calvary members had the opportunity to once again worship with our neighbors across the street, St. John Vianney Catholic Church, at the annual Wednesday (Holy Week) Tenebrae service. For those who were not here or have not attended one of these services in past years, I want to tell you about this incredibly moving and passionate worship experience. "What's so special?" you may ask. Let me tell you...

First, the chance to worship side by side with fellow Christians - minus the labels of Lutheran or Cathlolic - and to truly feel His presence among us and know that He is one with us, gives us a vision of peace and hope in this crazy mixed-up world.

Second, to hear the readings and reflections of Holy Week and to spiritually follow in our Lord's footsteps brings to the forefront how incredibly awesome and mind-boggling this thing is that He did for us. Our Lord was sinless, blameless, clean. Yet, because of His love for us (pathetic, ungrateful creatures that we are) he allowed himself to be betrayed, beaten, denied, ridiculed, tortured beyond belief, and finally, cruelly nailed to a cross and murdered. Yeah, murdered.

Third, when, in the middle of this worship service, we process (long "o": pro-'cess) across the street with our candles, for all the world (or at least all those on Calhoun Road) to see, and we place those candles on the wooden cross, the reality of His death hits us. Yet the glowing of the cross reminds us that even on that Friday so many years ago, there was a "light at the end of the tunnel" for those mourning at the foot of the cross, and so for us today. Jesus not only died, not only was placed in a grave, but - just as He said He would - He defeated death, and rose on the third day. And guess what? Because of all this, we get a PAID IN FULL stamp on all our sins. And He's coming again! Ahhhh, what an amazing thing to look forward to!

Living, He loved me
Dying, He saved me
Buried, He carried my sins far away
Rising, He justified freely forever
One day He’s coming
Oh glorious day, oh glorious day

Lastly, after worshipping and experiencing the Gospels of the Passion, we have the opportunity to "fellowship" with our brothers and sisters in Christ at the reception following the service. Side note: Fellowship is a funny word, isn't it? Especially when used as a verb. We tend to only use this word in church settings. But what does it really mean? Talk and eat? Sure, but more than that. It's the sharing of conversation and food. It's a shared companionship. It's a realization that we are truly "brothers and sisters in Christ" and join together as such in true Christian friendship. Even if we don't particularly know every person, we know that we can, without fear or hesitancy, join in their company like old friends. And, yes, talk and eat, too!

How blessed we are at Calvary Lutheran Church! Even amidst personal trials, economic downturns, political disagreements, sickness, death, or anything else this old world can throw at us... we know that we can, together with our Christian brothers and sisters, worship at the foot of the cross and praise Him for all He has done for us. I encourage each and every one of you reading this blog to do this: go to the foot of the cross, worship, praise, pray, rejoice, thank, and lay all your troubles at His feet, for He truly cares for and truly loves you.

Calvary has opportunities to worship tonight at 7 pm (Maundy Thursday), tomorrow at 10 am (Good Friday Family Worship) & 7 pm (Good Friday Tenebrae Worship). On Saturday, come and pray at the Easter Prayer Vigil from 5-7 pm. Then rejoice with us on Easter Sunday at 8:15 & 10:45 am. (And don't forget to "fellowship" at the Easter breakfast at 9:30 am.)

If you regularly come to these services, great! We'll see you here! If you don't come regularly, or haven't been to church in a while, or even if you have never been to church - come. I promise you won't regret it. The wonderful, clear message is here for you: He loves you!

May the glory and promise of Easter bring you peace and happiness!

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