Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Who is your inspiration?

Have you had the chance to see the movie "Soul Surfer"? It's the true story of Bethany Hamilton, a teenage girl who, through incredible tragedy, God used to touch millions. If you're not familiar with the story, Bethany was born into a family of surfers and began surfing at a very young age. Then, in 2003, she was attacked by a tiger shark, which bit off her left arm and seemingly ended her surfing career and life-long dream of becoming a pro surfer.

But the story doesn't end there. Even after losing 60% of her blood and undergoing numerous surgeries, Bethany began her recovery with an unbelievably positive attitude. And where did that positive attitude come from? Even without seeing the movie, a peek at Bethany's website will give you the answer to that one:

Question: Who's your inspiration, your hero?
Answer: Jesus Christ.

(Hmmm? What an awesome declaration from a young teen girl.)

Since her tragedy, Bethany has actually achieved her goal of becoming a pro surfer and has won many competitions. But even better than that, she has been an inspiration to so many and holds Jesus Christ up for all to see as the reason for her success. "Through Him I can do all things." That's one of the reasons I really liked this movie. They didn't back away from the faith aspect of the story. They certainly could have. They could have just made it about an incredibly brave, strong, and positive thinking young woman. Instead, they show her talking to her youth leader (played by Carrie Underwood). They show her going on a mission trip. She quotes scripture: "Through Him I can do all things."

Yes, the news media has taken the p.c. (politically correct) route and talks about Bethany's bravery and positive attitude as the important themes. (And yes, she truly is brave and optimistic.) But we all know - Bethany included - that all that bravery and optimism comes from God working through her. From knowing that "through Him I can do all things" and ultimately that God has a plan for us that we may not fully understand. That we need to trust in Him and in His plans for us.

I putting my faith in God, by trusting in His plan for me, and by knowing that "through Him I can do all things", what can I accomplish today? Who can I reach with His message?

Oh, and if you have a chance, check out the movie this weekend. I give it two thumbs waaay up!

Soulsurfer, the movie website:
Bethany's website:

And Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers - whether moms, grandmas, aunts, or "spiritual moms". Have a blessed weekend everyone!

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